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MultiFocal Implant Specialist

Suburban Eye Associates

Ophthalmologists & Eye Surgeons located in Philadelphia, Jenkintown, & Huntingdon Valley, PA

If your eyesight has dimmed over the years, or if you’re considering cataract surgery, MultiFocal implants might be right for you. The team of optometrists and ophthalmologists at Suburban Eye Associates, located in Huntingdon Valley, Jenkintown, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, offer these artificial lenses to treat presbyopia and after-cataract surgery. Multifocal implants can drastically improve your vision and diminish your need for eyeglasses or contact lenses. To learn more, call the office nearest you today.

MultiFocal Implant Q&A

What are MultiFocal implants?

MultiFocal implants, also known as multifocal intraocular lenses (multifocal IOLs), are artificial eye lenses.

Multifocal IOLs replace natural lenses and focus light so that you can see clearly. They work similarly to progressive lenses or bifocal glasses by using different focusing strengths in different areas. This allows you to see equally well at near, far, and intermediate distances.

Typically, Suburban Eye Associates implants multifocal IOLs after cataract surgery, but they can also use multifocal IOLs to treat presbyopia.


Cataracts are the clouding of your eye lenses. Cataracts form on your lenses as they thicken and become more rigid and less transparent. Over time, the tissue in your lenses break down and clump together, creating clouded spots, which are cataracts.

Cataracts grow larger and denser over time, and eventually blur and otherwise impact your vision. If they get bad enough, you may get cataract surgery to replace them, after which you can receive a multifocal implant.


Presbyopia is the gradual loss of your ability to see up-close objects clearly. This process happens naturally, and you may begin to notice it as soon as around the age of 40. 

As presbyopia develops, your natural lenses begin to become less flexible and soft. When your lenses become more rigid, it’s harder for them to move and focus, diminishing the quality of your vision.

What are the advantages of MultiFocal implants?

Multifocal implants offer you many advantages, including:

  • Restored vision clarity
  • Decreased cataract surgery side effects (halos, glare, light sensitivity)
  • Zero upkeep

Multifocal implants are also more comfortable and easier to use than contact lenses or eyeglasses, and you never have to replace them.

What types of multifocal implants can I choose from?

Suburban Eye Associates offers a few different multifocal IOL options, including:

Tecnis Symfony®

Symfony lenses offer superior continuous vision adaptation over varying distances, and they’re particularly beneficial to patients who struggle with near distance vision. Unlike some multifocal IOLs, they don’t create irritating side effects, like glare, halos, and contrast sensitivity.

AcrySof® IQ PanOptix® Trifocal

The PanOptix trifocal IOL is the first and only available trifocal implant available in the United States. PanOptix implants focus and brighten your vision, and significantly reduce the likelihood that you’ll need to supplement your vision with glasses.

PanOptix implants are especially beneficial for patients who read a lot, do a lot of computer work, or frequently participate in other close to intermediate vision activities.


Crystalens IOLs are unique IOLs. The doctors and scientists who created them, modeled Crystalens IOLS after your natural lenses. They use flexible hinges to engage your eye muscles to flex and focus light and objects and varying distances. 

Crystalens reduce your need for glasses and provide you with exceptionally sharp vision.

If you’re ready to see bright colors again, find out if multifocal implants are right for you. Schedule your consultation with Suburban Eye Associates by phone today.